19 - 23 September 2023.
Saatchi Gallery, Duke of York's HQ, King's Road, London, SW3 4RY
To read the exhibition introduction by Dr James Fox please click here
Where Flowers Grow
40 x 48 inches
● Sold
In a room with a view, it could be me or you
Together or maybe alone
Feeling good, bad, happy, or sad
Sitting in a room of one’s own
Life is much like a book, inside we must look
Each chapter leading us to the end
As the story is told, our journey unfolds
We meet lovers, villains, and friends
From day to day, we must listen and pray
Be grateful for each God-given breath
Read a line at a time as one day we will find
We only have one page left
That’s when the robin shall sing, the church bells will ring
Pull the sally on the end of the rope
And the gardener will know, as he weeds and he hoes
Where flowers grow there will always be hope
30 x 36 inches
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The robin doesn’t worry
About what the day may bring
He sits on the handle of the fork
And to the gardener sings
Hoping as the soil is turned
He digs up a worm or two
Let God decide, let God provide
And the robin will sing to you
20 x 24 inches
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Some hearts are full of joy and peace
Some hearts are sadly hardened,
You reap what you sow but be sure that you know
There’s always hope in a vegetable garden
Like the onion sets and runner beans,
The cauliflowers all in a row
Sweet peas and the cabbages,
Your faith in Christ can grow
So plant the seeds and water them
Dig as many holes as the old man’s dog
You will probably unearth a bone or two
And one day you’ll find God
16 x 20 inches
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I had a nice bath yesterday, my fur was all fluffy and clean
I started off this morning full of hopes and dreams
We came down to the orchard, by the old church wall
My Master was sprucing up the hives with a coat of Farrow & Ball
He had so many jobs to do, he was in a bit of a rush
As one can see there’s more paint on me than on his blooming brush
Don’t take life for granted, it can be a fickle thing
Sometimes as sweet as honey but some days the bee may sting
13 x 16 inches
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You can cut down all the flowers
But you will never stop the spring
Don’t abandon hope itself
For hope will always win
Take a leaf from this old man’s book
As he sits in the morning sun
Give no thought for tomorrow
Turn the pages one by one
10 x 12 inches
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The sun cannot shine on you every day
Sometimes you’ll get clouds and rain
Laughter, tears, hopes and fears
Suffer losses, heartfelt pain
So when the forecast is wrong
Dig deep, stay strong
If you get caught up in one of life’s showers
Remember one thing, winter’s followed by spring
Today’s seeds become tomorrow’s flowers
Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder
40 x 48 inches
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My Master comes down to the beach
Most days of the week
I don’t know what he’s looking for
I don’t know whom he seeks
He waits and waits, anticipates
Then waits a little longer
No one comes, no one goes
Absence makes his heart grow fonder
But I’m always here to lend an ear
Day and night like the turning tides
Down by the sea he will always have me
Right here by his side
30 x 36 inches
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Like the waves on the sea
We are always to be
Sitting here I’ve realised
We’ll be husband and wife forever
There will never be goodbyes
Together we belong the two of us
Never shall we part
Wherever I am you’ll be with me
Always in my heart
24 x 28 inches
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Above the bay on a summer’s day
Breaking waves, the sound of the sea
I still pick a flower like I did as a lad
To see if she still loves me
20 x 24 inches
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My Master’s got a master
I think she’s called The Wife
He told me he loves her very much
But the sentence he got was life
She gives him lots of jobs to do
That’s the reason that he got me
Then twice a day he can get away
And walk me down by the sea
16 x 20 inches
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We like to sit here
On the end of the pier
Doing nothing but passing time
We usually stay for an hour a day
Whenever the weather is fine
I think about this, I think about that
I don’t worry much about life
What will be will be
Then we head back for tea
Home to my dearest wife
10 x 12 inches
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I’m supposed to be on a diet
But it’s causing me some strife
So we’re having ourselves a cheeky bite
Otherwise I’ll get nagged by the wife
Don’t get me wrong, we are still going strong
I love the old girl to bits
As a matter of fact, we’re a right double act
We go together like fish and chips
The Best Things in Life
40 x 48 inches
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The smell of cut grass, a summer breeze
Butterflies, bees, birds in the trees
The sunshine gently warming your face
Sent from above, a gift of God’s grace
A smile, a wish, a kiss sent with love
Taking the time to give someone a hug
Your family, a best friend on whom you can call
Drawings from children brought home from school
Memories of mothers never forgot
Treasures kept safe in her musical box
When you are tired and life’s not what it seems
Closing your eyes, getting lost in your dreams
When you awaken be happy to be
And remember in life the best things are free
20 x 24 inches
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A long time ago I met a man
Who gave me a special book
He told me if I want to be wise
It would be good to take a look
One day I decided to open it
Wondering what I might find
It taught me how to be gentle
It taught me how to be kind
It taught me not to be greedy
It taught me how to love
It taught me you can’t buy happiness
That comes from Him above
20 x 24 inches
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At the bottom of the garden
Beneath the blossom tree
As the day comes to an end
My old dog and me
Not in any hurry
We haven’t got time to rush
Listening to the robin’s song
The blackbird and the thrush
16 x 20 inches
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Year after year the daffs appear
As the short days come to an end
Spring has sprung, now warm is the sun
Together sit two old friends
13 x 16 inches
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I love it here at this time of year
After the April showers
I like to sit and think a bit
Amongst the pots of flowers
They went to sleep last winter
Then showed their heads in spring
Did you know God taught them to grow
And it didn’t cost a bloomin’ thing
Count Your Blessings
40 x 48 inches
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For each sweet moment, for each sunrise
For every moment we open our eyes
For the fields of gold, for the fields of green
For the beauty around us and the things unseen
For the joy, for the peace, for the comfort you bring
For your spirit, for your love, for forgiving our sins
For listening, for caring when breaking hearts bleed
For just being there in our hour of need
32 x 40 inches
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My Master likes to chat to God
He speaks to Him every day
I like to lay down at his feet
And listen to him pray
He asks Him lots of questions
Like why are bluebells blue
What’s it like in heaven
And he asks Him to bless you
Thanks Him for watching over us
The food we have to eat
I hope he doesn’t forget to ask
For a bag of doggie treats
24 x 28 inches
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Not everyone can find their way
Along the narrow path on a summer’s day
Not everyone can see the sky
Watch the clouds just float on by
Not everyone can hear the birds
Or listen to the spoken word
But God’s grace favoured this old man
He’s feeling blessed for still he can
16 x 20 inches
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Laying here in the warmth of the sun
Thinking back to when I was a lad
I never had a lot of things
But I was loved by my mum and dad
They kept me safe, they kept me warm
Made sure that I was fed
Dad read me The Wind in the Willows
When I was tucked up in my bed
So I’ve never really worried
About the possessions I have not
I just thank the Lord for the life I’ve had
And the days that I’ve still got
15 x 18 inches
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Every second, every minute
Every hour that comes your way
If you have someone to love
Be thankful for that day
10 x 12 inches
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Be grateful every day
That you have a place to call your home
Be grateful if you have a dish
Full of biscuits and a bone
By the Light of the Moon
40 x 48 inches
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Looking up at the night sky
Thinking about my dear old dad
A very wise man who taught me things
When I was just a lad
Never be scared of the bogeyman
Who lives underneath your bed
He’ll only come out if you’re naughty
So be careful how you tread
Don’t tell lies or your nose will grow
And a policeman will knock at the door
He’ll take away your box of toys
Then give them to the poor
Be loving, kind and generous
Always say thank you and please
He taught me about heaven when I was seven
And how God made the moon out of cheese
30 x 36 inches
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On a moonlit night an old man on his bike
Went for a ride with his dog
They didn’t know where they were going to
It was all in the hands of God
20 x 24 inches
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The dog sat in the basket
The old man leant on the wall
Over the rooftops across the sea
Distant memories call
15 x 18 inches
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One day old friend when our days are done
And we no longer rise with the moon or sun
To paradise we’ll climb the stairs
No more worries, no more cares
15 x 18 inches
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We rode on the bike
For a day and a night
My old Master and me
Through valley and vale
Over hill and dale
And we ended up down by the sea
13 x 16 inches
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An old man stopped to reflect for a while
On a bridge that crossed a stream
He was following the light on this moonlit night
To find his hopes and dreams
A Farmer's Life
40 x 48 inches
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This farmer’s life is a busy one
He prays for rain, he prays for sun
Ploughs the fields, sows the seeds
There’s sheep, some pigs and his donkey to feed
He’s got a bright red tractor
By his side his dog
He makes hay while the sun shines
With a little help from God
30 x 36 inches
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As the day nears the end
Beneath the westering sun
The farmer’s busy counting sheep
His work is nearly done
This always makes him tired
He’s ready for his bed
He will curl up in the shepherd’s hut
And there he’ll rest his head
20 x 24 inches
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I’m always by my Master’s side
When he leans on the old farm gate
I don’t know what he’s looking for
That’s become a bit of a debate
People often stop to ask him
When down the lane they roam
He tells them that he’s waiting
For the cows to come back home
20 x 24 inches
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We are down in the bottom meadow
It’s a beautiful summer’s day
I love to ride on the Fergie
When my Master’s making hay
As he goes through the gears
The wind in my ears
There’s no place I’d rather be
Then when the work’s done
We drive home in the sun
And have sausages for our tea
16 x 20 inches
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The tractor wouldn’t start today
I think it’s gone on strike
We had to go to the market
So my Master rode his bike
He bought two little spotty pigs
Now we’re heading home along the track
We’ve got a pig up front in the basket
And one in the cart at the back
15 x 18 inches
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We are off to feed Derek our donkey
He likes his little treats
He’s excited today because as well as his hay
He’s got carrots and baby beets
A Fisherman and His Dog
40 x 48 inches
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Awaiting the tide my old dog by my side
By the pots and nets he lays
Down by the sea is the life for me
Oh how I love these days
32 x 40 inches
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A fisherman sat by the harbour wall
With this thought he did contend
Why had the sea got a beginning
But it never has an end
24 x 28 inches
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It’s been a busy day old boy
Time to rest our heads
When I’ve finished my smoke
In the bath I will soak
And then we’ll head off to bed
16 x 20 inches
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My Master’s life is a hard one
A fisherman’s life is tough
I haven’t got my sea legs yet
And I’m feeling rather rough
15 x 18 inches
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Today we are going fishing
My old Master and me
We’ve loaded up the nets and pots
And we’re heading out to sea
13 x 16 inches
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My Master is painting the cabin
It is looking a little drab
So he’s giving it a coat of Farrow & Ball
And then we are off to catch some crab
The Simple Things
40 x 48 inches
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The old man is taking a five-minute break
He leans upon the garden gate
In the barrow his dog looks on
A robin sings its familiar song
The scent of honeysuckle fills the air
Summer’s day, weather’s fair
On his face a gentle breeze
Sunlight dancing on the leaves
Meadow Brown, Cabbage White
On the hollyhocks alight
Oh what joy five minutes can bring
A garden gate, life’s simple things
32 x 40 inches
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There’s a cottage down a country lane
The gate is painted yellow
An old man lives there with his dog
He’s a kind and gentle fellow
He loves to listen to the birds
Singing in the trees
Whilst tending to the flower beds
With the busy buzzing bees
20 x 24 inches
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The sunshine in the garden
Washing on the line
It’s the little things that warm the soul
And make the day divine
16 x 20 inches
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Rich pickings from the garden
Lots of veg in the trug
I’m off to put the oven on
And stick in a jacket spud
16 x 20 inches
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A row of sweet peas, rhubarb, bees
Butterflies flit by
The good Lord will shine
In these moments of time
When you let the sleeping dogs lie
13 x 16 inches
When my Master is in the veggie patch
Tending to the beds
I count some sheep then go to sleep
In the garden shed
Home Is Where the Heart Is
40 x 48 inches
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Wherever life may lead you
Whatever path you follow
If you journey far away
Just like the summer swallow
If the sun shines on you
Or you get caught in the rain
Left standing on the platform
Because you missed your evening train
If you are ever lost or lonely
Take some time to pray
Home is where the heart is
And you’ll return some day
15 x 18 inches
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My Master’s doing the washing up
The plates and dishes are clean
I’m in bed by the Aga
Of cats and bones I shall dream
13 x 16 inches
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I love this time of evening
Just my old Master and me
He reads his book about Jesus
And lets me on the settee
13 x 16 inches
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My favourite programme is on tonight
It really is a treat
But I wish I was out there in the field
Rounding up the sheep
16 x 13 inches
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I’m very very sleepy snuggled up with Ted
But my Master’s snoring really loud
He’s rattling the bed
12 x 10 inches
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We will soon be off for our morning walk
Time you got off the bed
The weather’s changed, it’s started to rain
So you can’t bring Little Ted
10 x 12 inches
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It looks like he means business
The shower’s going on
I wish I could jump out of this bath
Trust me, I’d be gone
10 x 12 inches
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My Master’s been busy cooking
He’s got sausage and mash for tea
I’m in my place, saying grace
Praying there’s a sausage for me
Another Year Passed
40 x 48 inches
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The donkey’s cosy in the stable
Supper’s waiting on the table
Nearing the end of another year
Gone the loved ones we hold so dear
Still I miss my mum and dad
Not in a way that makes me sad
But it’s times like this I reminisce
Thinking back to my childhood bliss
Evenings around the radio
Listening to our favourite show
Hanging on the Christmas tree
A chocolate reindeer just for me
Snakes and ladders games were played
In the garden snowmen made
Life was oh so simple then
We read real books and wrote with pens
But time disappears like melting snow
Seasons come, seasons go
Memories still they linger on
Of loved ones dear that now have gone
30 x 36 inches
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On a winter’s night the village lights
Bid a welcome to a man and his dog
He was off to say his evening prayers
And ask a little favour of God
20 x 24 inches
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At the day’s end
Where the river bends
Distant church bells sound
An old man and his dog
Through snow slowly trod
The two of them homeward bound
20 x 24 inches
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We are spending the night in my Master’s hut
It’s very cosy and warm
The snow’s quite deep so we’re watching the sheep
For unto us a lamb might be born
16 x 20 inches
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My Master’s in the garden
I decided not to go
He’s digging up some parsnips
And picking brussels in the snow
I’m watching from the cat flap
Because I’m rather old
I’m not so young as I used to be
My paws now feel the cold
10 x 12 inches
● Sold
I keep on trying to go to sleep
I close my eyes up tight
And then they open up again
Because Santa’s coming tonight
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