
My Master, Derek The Donkey and Me

Have travelled from afar

Because an angel visited us today

She told us to follow a star

We all were blessed when it came to rest

Above a little farm

Where unto us a puppy was born

In a manger inside a barn

And he shall be called Dennis 

Night Shift

We are busy on the night shift

Making sure the stars are clean

Dusting them off, next it’s a wash

Then a polish with Mr Sheen

Rain Makers

We’re making some weather with Jesus
Pouring down some rain
The farmers need it on the soil
To help them grow some grain
Once these clouds have passed on over
This shower will be done
We’ll put away our watering cans
And let God turn on the sun

A Winter's Eve

Down the lane on a winter's eve

Went an old man, his donkey and dog

Grateful for the year that had passed

They were off to church to thank God

Home To Bed

On a winter's night

An old man and his dog

Had been to say their prayers

Now it's home to bed

To rest their heads

Up the apple and pears

Pig in a Barrow

My Master's pig ran away today

We found him down the lane

Now he's in the wheelbarrow

And we're taking him home again

The Creation

Eighteen paintings and poems telling the story of The Seven Days of Creation

Down The Lane

We’ve been to the allotment 

It’s been a busy day

Planting seeds digging up weeds

I had a little play

My Master picked some vegetables 

On the crossbar he tied his hoe

Put me in the basket and off down the lane we go

Grey Skies

A windy day, skies are grey

Overcast and dark

If this rain doesn't stop, this car we best swap

And trade it in for an ark

The Lane

I love it when it’s harvest time

And we are out delivering grain

Because my Master sticks his foot down

When we are going down the lane

Jesus And His New Bike

Jesus was born in a stable

There was no room at the inn

He came to teach us right from wrong

Save man from his sin

He walked for many, many miles

Spreading the truth and light

But he kept on wearing his sandals out

So God gave him a bike

Jesus visited Bert one day
He said “Come follow me”

I've been sent by God,

You can bring your dog

Wonders you will see
So he got on his bike
Followed the light
And was filled with a peace of mind
Jesus taught him many things
Especially how to be kind.

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