Saatchi Gallery, Duke of York's HQ, King's Road, London, SW3 4RY
Before my life as a painter, I spent many years as a young man working on building sites throughout Kent and Sussex. I worked alongside my dad and seven uncles, sometimes all together, other times in smaller gangs. The days were long and hard but full of laughter, loyalty, respect and a love for one another that remains deep in my heart to this day.
We’d be up at the crack of dawn on bitterly cold winter’s mornings, packed into the van. Uncle John would be driving and somehow, he managed to roll his tobacco with one hand which always impressed me. Thick cigarette smoke and diesel fumes filled the air. Mondays were never quite as lively after a heavy weekend in the pub but there were still plenty of stories to share. We worked in all weathers and if Dad heard me complaining about the rain, he would remind me I would come to no harm as “I wasn’t made of sugar!” It was at these times that I would long for spring to come. The first day of sun my shirt would come off to get the tan going, ready for the summer. That was promptly frowned upon by Uncle Tiddler whose wise words would be aimed in my direction: “Ne’er cast a clout till May’s out.”
My Dad and all but one of my uncles (Terry) have all passed. Whilst laying on the bed one afternoon reminiscing about those times, I could hear the laughter, the wise old sayings shared amongst them in the site hut, the van, the pub. Some I could use and some not fit for publication! These became the foundation for this collection of work based upon old sayings, so here it is: Marrows, Spuds and Onions.
I have loved every moment of working on this collection in the comfort of the shed not bothered by often inclement weather anymore. How blessed am I to have these beautiful memories of days and loved ones now gone and be able to share them with you.
Gary Bunt 2025
Give Thanks
30 x 36 inches
● Sold
A gentle breeze rustling leaves
Afternoon sun beats down
Blue skies, skylarks rise
The church bell’s distant sound
As they fade, here in the shade
There’s no place I’d rather be
In the grass I lay on this beautiful day
I thank the man who planted the tree
16 x 20 inches
● Sold
Good days bad days
Happy days or sad
Today may be the worst one
You think you’ve ever had
Go into the garden
Ask Christ to come along
Listen to the robin sing
In every day you’ll find a song
15 x 18 inches
● Sold
When you wake up in the morning
And the sun is shining bright
Always thank your lucky stars
You made it through the night
Go and make yourself a brew
Sit on the step outdoors
Be grateful for today’s a day
You’ve never seen before
13 x 16 inches
● Sold
In the stillness of the evening
In the quiet of the night
Put your hands together
Close your eyes up tight
For every breath and heartbeat
You’ve been blessed with on this day
Let gratitude be the pillow
That you kneel upon and pray
13 x 16 inches
● Sold
I thank the Lord for this morning
I thank the Lord for the day
I thank the Lord my saviour
And all that comes my way
I thank the Lord for my old dog
My children and my wife
A man who forgets to say thank you
Has fallen asleep in life
13 x 16 inches
● Sold
Here we are tucked up in bed
Our Master’s fast asleep
Little Ted and I would like a word
Before we count some sheep
When you pray there’s no need to say
A lot of waffle and stuff
If your only prayer is thank you
Then that will be enough
12 x 10 inches
● Sold
I know I’m a very lucky dog
I live in a lovely home
There’s a garden for me to play in
In my dish I have a bone
Lots of toys to play with
My favourite’s little Ted
I carry him around all day
He sleeps next to me in bed
My Master’s very kind to me
Sometimes he gives me toast
Sometimes it’s got butter on
It’s the little things that mean the most
32 x 40 inches
● Sold
The old man and his dog often walk here
It gives him time to reflect
He likes to think of positive things
No time to waste on regrets
There’s been happy times sad times
Times he’s suffered pain
But he couldn’t have gotten where he is
Without coming the way he came
30 x 36 inches
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In the shade of a tree by an old stone bridge
There’s an old man who can often be seen
He sits there by the water’s edge
Beside a little stream
Once I stopped to say hello
This wisdom he did impart
Water may reflect your face
But life reflects your heart
24 x 28 inches
● Sold
I often sit here and reflect on life
On those days when I was a lad
I’d come fishing here on a summer’s eve
With our dog and my dear old dad
One thing he used to tell me was
Be as happy as the day is long
Make sure you know what you’re doing is right
So you know what you’re doing isn’t wrong
20 x 24 inches
● Sold
Check the depth of the water first
In case you cannot swim
Take time to think in case you sink
For trouble this could bring
So if your boat is going down
Full of things you’d rather forget
Then a moment of reflection
Could stop a lifetime of regret
20 x 16 inches
● Sold
Whatever things are lovely
Whatever things are true
Whatever things are pure
These things God wants for you
Whatever things are heavenly
Whatever things are good
Reflect and think upon these things
The things you know you should
16 x 20 inches
● Sold
Wouldn’t it be such a wonderful thing
If your dog was a reflection of you
And you could show love to everyone
Like the way your dog loves you
10 x 12 inches
● Sold
Never judge a book by its cover
It’s not very wise to do
For the flaws you see in others
Could be a reflection of you
Where the Sea Meets the Shore
40 x 48 inches
● Sold
I thought I knew most everything
When I was just a lad
No need for all that knowledge
Passed down from Mum & Dad
All seemed free and easy then
There was nothing much that bothered me
Til life’s ups and downs rolled in
Like waves upon the sea
The journey has been hard at times
But I’m grateful it’s been long
You can’t change the things of yesterday
Those times are past and gone
I have slowly come to realise
Now that I’ve grown old
Better a drop of wisdom
Than an ocean full of gold
32 x 40 inches
● Sold
By the water’s edge I love to be
Pebbles beneath my feet
The sound of the sea calls out to me
As the waves caress the beach
No time to stay they are pulled away
Only to return
Where the sea meets the shore
And the shore meets the sea
My heart forever yearns
32 x 40 inches
● Sold
Blessed is the life I’ve been given
Down here by the sea
Walking along the clifftops
My old dog and me
Never wanting much in life
Happy as I am
Whatever tomorrow holds for me
Is just part of the good Lord’s plan
If he lets me see the sun come up
Then see it go back down
Live every minute as if it’s my last
Never watching the clock go round
Then there’s nothing more I can ask for
I have come to understand
This day is the first of the rest of my life
Time and tide they wait for no man
24 x 28 inches
● Sold
I lean on these railings
Looking back at my failings
Yet I don’t have any regrets
Yes there’s things I’ve done wrong
But life’s journey is long
Time to forgive and forget
I think of my dad
The advice I once had
The last thing he said to me
“Keep on following the river my son
And one day you’ll find the sea”
20 x 24 inches
● Sold
When a distant storm is brewing
And the forecast isn’t great
Have a word with Him above
Before it gets too late
I was once told by a fisherman
This he said to me
“He who knows not how to pray
Let him go and sail the sea”
15 x 18 inches
● Sold
The sun has opened up the day
So let it bring you light
New beginnings could await you
Before the day turns into night
Each moment oh so precious
There’ll be a time when there’s no more
You will never find new oceans
Unless you lose sight of the shore
13 x 16 inches
● Sold
At the beginning of creation
On day three He made the sea
I love to sit here with His book
Just my old friend and me
Tides ebb and flow, waves come and go
As I ponder on God's glories
Of all those endless horizons
And all life's untold stories
The Moon and the Stars
40 x 48 inches
● Sold
As the day fades away
The flowers soon shall rest their heads
All is still, all is quiet
Amongst the garden beds
The old man likes to say good night
He’ll be off to bed quite soon
Whilst the moon looks at many flowers
And the night flowers look at one moon
32 x 40 inches
● Sold
Don’t waste time thinking about things you want
Losing sight of the things you have
A best friend to hug a best friend to love
Is better than worldly fads
You can be rich without lots of money
You may not have fancy cars
But even a poor man with nothing
Can own the moon and the stars
24 x 28 inches
● Sold
We’re out on the bike on this moonlit night
That’s me up front in the basket
I’ve a question for my Master
I just wish I was able to ask it
All dogs believe in Jesus
Of that we have no doubt
But if he doesn’t pay his electricity bill
Would the sun and moon go out?
20 x 24 inches
● Sold
This wise old man has no secrets
This wise old man tells no lies
This wise old man knows that nothing grows
Unless the seed first dies
This wise old man is humble
This wise old man is clever
He knows the sun, the moon, the truth
Cannot be hidden forever
16 x 20 inches
● Sold
My master is a kind old man
He wouldn’t hurt a fly
Always willing to lend a hand
Never questioning why
I wish everyone was just like him
The world would be a better place
Instead of causing someone hurt
Share a warm embrace
I wish that all could learn to love
I hope that peace comes soon
For we all live under the one same sky
Looking at the one same moon
16 x 20 inches
● Sold
Just because it’s dark at night
Don’t think you can’t be seen
Someone’s got their eye on you
To see how good you’ve been
Even if it’s Sunday
And He’s resting on day 7
You could have regrets lest you forget
That the stars are the eyes of Heaven
13 x 16 inches
● Sold
When I was young I asked my mum
Why God hangs the moon out at night
“So that in your darkest moments
You will always find some light”
Faith, Hope and Charity
30 x 36 inches
● Sold
As the years come and go
None of us know where the path will end
But I wander on wherever it leads
Along with my best friend
I make my way one step at a time
What’s up ahead I cannot see
But faith is the bridge between where I am
And where it’s taking me
20 x 24 inches
● Sold
The sun shines on the righteous
The sun shines on the blessed
The sun shines on the old man
His sins have been confessed
Now that he’s found Jesus
He hopes that you do too
So have faith that you will find the light
And the sun will shine on you
20 x 16 inches
● Sold
If something is missing in your life
If there is something you’re searching for
Seek and you will find it
If you knock on the good Lord’s door
Open up your heart to Him
As this world is getting sadder
Take up your cross and remember that
Faith is the first step on the ladder
15 x 18 inches
● Sold
Yesterday has come and gone
Tomorrow isn’t here
Today will take care of itself
Don’t fill it up with fear
Each breath you take, every smile you give
Come absolutely free
So accept what is, let go of what was
And have faith in what will be
30 x 36 inches
● Sold
The tides are ever-changing
The clouds they come and go
What the forecast holds for you
You’ll never really know
If your ship has already sailed
If there’s a hole in your rowing boat
The storm will not last forever
So never give up hope
16 x 20 inches
● Sold
Now the bleak midwinter
Has given way to spring
Now the sun is shining
Now the birds will sing
Now the broken-hearted lovers
Shall once again elope
For now there’s blossom on the trees
For everyone there’s hope
10 x 12 inches
● Sold
When you lay your head on the pillow
At the end of one of those days
When hope has gone out of the window
Leaving you dismayed
When you’re tossing and turning in your bed
Laying there awake
However long that night is
The dawn will eventually break
12 x 10 inches
● Sold
If it’s dark and overcast
Find a summer within yourself
Dust your mother’s bible off
Take it from the shelf
There’s hope within its pages
Let God’s will be done
And you will never see the shadows
If you keep your eye on the Son
20 x 24 inches
● Sold
This old man knows a thing or two
He's lived a fruitful life
He's very kind, very wise
He once gave me this advice
"Whatever anyone asks of you
You can only do your best
And always remember that love and eggs
Are better when they’re fresh”
16 x 20 inches
● Sold
Not one minute can we stop
Or second can we save
A day only lasts until sunset
But love lasts until the grave
15 x 18 inches
● Sold
If you plant a seed in a pot
And keep it in the dark
If you have a guard dog
That can't be bothered to bark
If your boiled egg is hard
You’ve left it in too long
Has it ever occurred to you
You’re living your life all wrong
Perhaps you are in need of Jesus
To send you the spirit from above
For a flower cannot bloom without sunshine
And a man cannot live without love
10 x 12 inches
● Sold
Love thy neighbour
Love God
Love me
Love my dog
Don't Count Your Chickens
32 x 40 inches
● Sold
The fields once green now turned to gold
Days still long and bright
Swallows gather on telephone wires
Soon they shall take flight
That time of year has come again
Summer’s nearly passed
The earth has been tickled with a hoe
With a harvest she now laughs
24 x 28 inches
● Sold
The farmer has no time to sleep
His old red tractor digging deep
Up and down he gently tills
Sows the seeds in fresh cut drills
Then patiently waits for the land to yield
You’re not a man until you’ve ploughed a field
20 x 24 inches
● Sold
Will today be wet or dry
Could the evening end with a shepherd’s red sky
How will the wheat and barley grow
Until the harvest nobody knows
How many springtime lambs will be born
How many pigeons will eat his corn
Early in the morning will his tractor start
Could a wheel fall off the donkey cart
What if it rains when he’s making hay
How many eggs will Mildred lay
This farmer knows there could always be a catch
So he never counts his chickens before they hatch
20 x 24 inches
● Sold
This old farmer’s a wise old man
Gets his work done whilst he can
Whether it’s sunshine whether it’s rain
Never takes God’s name in vain
Milks the cows feeds the hens
By his side a faithful friend
Ploughs and scatters sows and reaps
Scrubs his pigs looks after his sheep
Through pastures green he wends his way
Until it’s time to hit the hay
15 x 18 inches
● Sold
There is a jolly farmer
Who lives a simple life
I met him down a country lane
He gave me some advice
Don’t give thought for the ifs and buts
The whys the whens the hows
You’ll end up having sleepless nights
And get a furrowed brow
Buy yourself a tractor
Leave all your worries behind
You’ll never ever plough a field
By turning it over in your mind
16 x 13 inches
● Sold
Weather’s changing skies are clear
Winter's over spring is here
Birds are nesting in the trees
Farmers busy sowing seeds
One for the rook one for the crow
One to wither and one to grow
13 x 16 inches
● Sold
Some people think my Master’s rich
Because he bought a farm
He’s got a brand-new combine harvester
100 acres and a barn
But when my Master does his books
I often hear him sigh
“If I ever get out of the red
This pig might bloomin’ fly”
Marrows, Spuds and Onions
32 x 40 inches
● Sold
Love the bees and butterflies
Blossom on the trees
Birds that sing their evening song
Cauliflowers, peas
Dahlias, Hollyhocks
Little Ted and dog
Do good deeds, love the weeds
And all things made by God
Love your neighbour as yourself
Don’t become too greedy
Give a trug of vegetables
To someone who is needy
Make sure you pray least once a day
Of your sins the Lord shall pardon
We come from the earth return to the earth
And in between we garden
32 x 40 inches
● Sold
The old man is in his garden
Many seeds he’s sown
With the help of the good Lord up above
Many things he has grown
He potters in the vegetable patch
Potters in the shed
Toils the soil, hoes the rows
Tends the flowerbeds
Then on the handle of his fork
The robin doth appear
To make it known he’s not alone
His loved ones dear are near
24 x 28 inches
● Sold
Some hearts are full of joy and peace
Some hearts are sadly hardened
You reap what you sow but be sure that you know
There’s always hope in a vegetable garden
Like the onion sets and runner beans
The cauliflowers all in a row
Sweet peas and the cabbages
Your faith in Christ can grow
So plant the seeds and water them
Dig as many holes as the old man’s dog
You will probably unearth a bone or two
And one day you’ll find God
20 x 24 inches
● Sold
The gardener loves his garden
The gardener loves his shed
The gardener loves his chrysanthemums
With their delicate petalled heads
The sweet peas and the runner beans
Love the rain and showers
The very busy bumble bees
Loves the scented flowers
On the breeze the fragile wings
Of summer butterflies
Love’s a garden seed that’s sown
A seed that never dies
16 x 20 inches
● Sold
Bury me in the garden
Bury me in my boots
Put me in my vegetable patch
I’ll rest amongst their roots
Never forget my dearest love
When you’re out here pulling weeds
Us old gardeners never die
We only go to seed
15 x 18 inches
● Sold
When I’m in the garden
I’m never ever sad
I often think of those summer days
Spent here with my dear old dad
He’d give me a ride in the wheelbarrow
When it was time for his flask of tea
We’d sit in the shed on an old wooden chest
Where he’d tell stories to me
He told me about some fairies
And the angels that lived in the woods
How one day he would take me to see them
If I kept on being good
Although I still miss him dearly
With these memories I am blessed
If you plant a garden
You’ll be planting happiness
12 x 10 inches
● Sold
Nothing lasts forever
So the saying goes
What lies around the corner
I don’t think anyone knows
Of this we can be certain
From God our time we borrow
Remember this life is a precious gift
To sow a seed is to believe in tomorrow
To Everything there is a Season
32 x 40 inches
● Sold
How does a primrose know
When it’s time to grow
How does it know it’s spring
I wonder if a primrose knows
Of the joy that it can bring
Take a leaf from nature's book
Let God's will be granted
Don’t worry too much
About how and why
Just bloom wherever you’re planted
20 x 24 inches
● Sold
Soon there will be flowers
It’s now that time of year
If you’ve been sad it’s time to dab
Away that falling tear
For soon there will be flowers
New life shall begin
Leave what’s gone behind you
For soon it will be spring
16 x 20 inches
● Sold
I’m so lucky I have my Master
He means so much to me
If he’d never saved me from the home
I don’t know where I’d be
I’ll be forever grateful
For that day he took me in
For a house without love
And without Jesus above
Would be like a year without a spring
10 x 12 inches
● Sold
Fresh mown grass fills the air
The winter tree no longer bare
At the top on a bough
The song thrush sings
Blossom by blossom
Spring begins
40 x 48 inches
● Sold
Thank you for the blue skies
Thank you for the trees
Thank you for the warming sun
And the gentle cooling breeze
Thank you for my best friend
I pray we shall not part
Thank you for the summer days
From an ever-grateful heart
30 x 36 inches
● Sold
Remember that old saying
When the sun shines
Make some hay
Horace the Roman poet wrote
"Carpe Diem" seize the day
So don't let another harvest pass
And end up asking why
For soon you'll see a falling leaf
Which is summer's wave goodbye
24 x 28 inches
● Sold
Days are long, skylark's song
A pheasant's distant call
Sparrows happily chirping
Upon the old church wall
Daisies, cornflowers
Showing off God's glory
All of this without a word
Telling summer's story
12 x 10 inches
We are not in any hurry
We slowly make our way
The two of us side by side
Feeling blessed on this God-given day
As the evening sun was settling down
I felt my soul was healed
And I tasted all of Summer
As we roamed from field to field
40 x 48 inches
● Sold
Misty mornings
Colours warming
Open fires roar
Leaves are falling
Autumn’s calling
Winter’s knocking at the door
20 x 24 inches
● Sold
Another page turned in the book
Of nature’s word unspoken
The summer sun takes two steps back
And autumn has awoken
16 x 20 inches
There’s comfort in the wind that blows
Through the autumn trees
There’s secrets within as the rust sets in
Their ever changing leaves
Listen hard to what they’re telling you
They are trying to let you know
The end of the year is near
The time is here to let the old things go
12 x 10 inches
● Sold
The old man loves this time of year
And once told me the reason
"Autumn carries more gold in its pockets
Than any other season’’
40 x 48 inches
● Sold
While shepherds washed their socks at night
And glory shone around
The choir sang the church bells rang
The snow lay on the ground
I stopped and looked in the window
It took me back in time
There I was in my pyjamas
The stairs about to climb
Paper chains, Christmas tree
With dodgy fairy lights
A stocking at the end of the bed
Santa comes tonight
A train set I’d been wishing for
It was top of my list of things
I stand outside the toy shop
Such memories it brings
Here I am now an old man
Long ago mum and dad did depart
But I’m never alone for those Christmases at home
Are forever in my heart
16 x 20 inches
● Sold
Up on the dales
The north wind blows
Across the landscape bleak
Now covered in winter's blanket
Beneath it nature sleeps
16 x 20 inches
● Sold
Gone are the busy bumble bees
Gone the blackbird's song
Gone are the days of summer
The nights now dark and long
Gone are the leaves, now naked trees
Stand bare neath dark grey skies
Snowflakes fall on seedheads tall
Like winter butterflies
10 x 12 inches
● Sold
I remember when I was just a lad
Building a snowman with my dear old dad
A bobble hat and matching gloves
Knitted by my mum knitted with love
Like silent thoughts that come and go
Upon my face fell soft white snow
I remember she told me, I was six or seven
That the snowflakes that fall
Are God's kisses from Heaven
Before my life as a painter, I spent many years as a young man working on building sites throughout Kent and Sussex. I worked alongside my dad and seven uncles, sometimes all together, other times in smaller gangs. The days were long and hard but full of laughter, loyalty, respect and a love for one another that remains deep in my heart to this day.
We’d be up at the crack of dawn on bitterly cold winter’s mornings, packed into the van. Uncle John would be driving and somehow, he managed to roll his tobacco with one hand which always impressed me. Thick cigarette smoke and diesel fumes filled the air. Mondays were never quite as lively after a heavy weekend in the pub but there were still plenty of stories to share. We worked in all weathers and if Dad heard me complaining about the rain, he would remind me I would come to no harm as “I wasn’t made of sugar!” It was at these times that I would long for spring to come. The first day of sun my shirt would come off to get the tan going, ready for the summer. That was promptly frowned upon by Uncle Tiddler whose wise words would be aimed in my direction: “Ne’er cast a clout till May’s out.”
My Dad and all but one of my uncles (Terry) have all passed. Whilst laying on the bed one afternoon reminiscing about those times, I could hear the laughter, the wise old sayings shared amongst them in the site hut, the van, the pub. Some I could use and some not fit for publication! These became the foundation for this collection of work based upon old sayings, so here it is: Marrows, Spuds and Onions.
I have loved every moment of working on this collection in the comfort of the shed not bothered by often inclement weather anymore. How blessed am I to have these beautiful memories of days and loved ones now gone and be able to share them with you.
Gary Bunt 2025
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